
public protocol Unwrapper

The core interface to specify MetaDecoder’s decoding. Implement this protocol to unwrap “primities” (these are usually the types you can represent directly in your serialization format).

A MetaDecoder will call unwrap for each meta in the meta tree before decoding takes place for it. There are actually two situations in which this happens. A MetaDecoder asks it’s unwrapper to unwrap a meta to a concrete type (like String, Int, etc.). It does so by calling unwrap with a concrete type conforming to Decodable. If you return nil in this method, the MetaDecoder will callinit(from:)` on the passed type.

However, MetaDecoder will also try to unwrap metas to NilMeta, DecodingKeyedContainerMeta and DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta. These options enables you to partially postpone the creation of the meta tree until the actual containers are known.

Specifically, if keyed or unkeyed containers are requested for a meta from a MetaDecoder, before this meta is interpreted as keyed or unkeyed container and it is expected that it conforms to DecodingKeyedContainerMeta respectively DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta, the decoder calls unwrap, with eigther DecodingKeyedContainerMeta or DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta for type. If unwrap returns nil, the process continues with the original meta.

With this, you may dynamically extend your meta tree. You don’t need to know which meta will be a keyed or unkeyed container before MetaDecoder does it’s work and don’t need meta implementations to conform to Decoding(Un)KeyedContainerMeta or NilMeta if they could be seen as such containers or nil.

For these three unwrap variants (where type = NilMeta.Protocol, type = DecodingKeyedContainerMeta.Protocol or type = DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta.Protocol), there are default implementations provided, that always return nil. If you don’t override these methods, a meta tree is expected to be “static”, which means that all container types and nil values need to be known before decode on a MetaDecoder is called.

  • unwrap(meta:toType:for:) Default implementation

    Extracts a swift value of type T from a Meta you passed as part of a meta tree to a MetaDecoder.

    If you don’t support the requested type directly (can’t convert meta’s value to T), return nil.

    If you decoded to a Meta conforming to NilMeta, that Meta will not reach your method.

    If on a MetaDecoder the option MetaDecoder.Options.dynamicallyUnwindMetaTree is set, the decoder will call unwrap with the types DecodingKeyedContainerMeta and DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta. If you return nil for these containers, the meta passed to unwrap will be used as container meta, if it conforms to these types. Otherwise a DecodingError will be thrown.

    You may in this method directly call Decodables init(from:) if desired or access decoders container methods otherwise. However calling decoder.decode(type:, from:) is not allowed and will throw MetaDecoder.Errors.decodingHasNotSucceeded. If you called init(from:) or one of the container methods, you must eigther return a non-nil value, or the containers you requested need to align with the decoding code of T (doing this isn’t recommended, return a value).

    This method is called very frequently.

    Default Implementation



    func unwrap<T>(meta: Meta, toType type: T.Type, for decoder: MetaDecoder) throws -> T? where T : Decodable



    The meta you should unwrap to T. This meta was created by you and passed to a MetaDecoder.


    The type you should unwrap to.


    The decoder that requests the unwrap. You should use this decoder if you need to decode types yourself inside unwrap or to get the current coding path (this an array of coding keys visited up to meta in the order they were visited) taken up to meta. This coding path is ment to be used in errors you may throw (e.g. DecodingError).

    Return Value

    A value of type T that was constructed from meta. Returns nil, if the requested type is not supported directly or meta not unwrappable to it.

dynamically unwind meta stack

  • Unwraps meta to a NilMeta.

    Returning nil in this method will make MetaDecoder try to interpret meta itself as NilMeta. Therefor, if meta does conform to NilMeta you do not need to handle it in this method.


    You may not throw in this method, in diffrence to the other methods.



    func unwrap(meta: Meta, toType: NilMeta.Protocol, for decoder: MetaDecoder) -> NilMeta?



    The meta you should unwrap to a nil meta. This meta was created by you and passed to a MetaDecoder.


    The decoder that requests the unwrap. You should use this decoder if you need to decode types yourself inside unwrap or to get the current coding path (this an array of coding keys visited up to meta in the order they were visited) taken up to meta. This coding path is ment to be used in errors you may throw (e.g. DecodingError).

    Return Value

    A NilMeta that was constructed from meta. Returns nil, if meta can not be converted to a nil meta.

  • Unwraps meta to a DecodingKeyedContainerMeta.

    Returning nil in this method will make MetaDecoder to try to interpret meta as DecodingKeyedContainerMeta. Therefor, if meta does conform to DecodingKeyedContainerMeta you do not need to handle it in this method.



    func unwrap(meta: Meta, toType: DecodingKeyedContainerMeta.Protocol, for decoder: MetaDecoder) throws -> DecodingKeyedContainerMeta?



    The meta you should unwrap to a keyed container meta. This meta was created by you and passed to a MetaDecoder.


    The decoder that requests the unwrap. You should use this decoder if you need to decode types yourself inside unwrap or to get the current coding path (this an array of coding keys visited up to meta in the order they were visited) taken up to meta. This coding path is ment to be used in errors you may throw (e.g. DecodingError).

    Return Value

    A DecodingKeyedContainerMeta that was constructed from meta. Returns nil, if meta can not be converted to a keyed container meta.

  • Unwraps meta to a DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta

    Returning nil in this method will make MetaDecoder to try to interpret meta as DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta. Therefor, if meta does conform to DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta you do not need to handle it in this method.



    func unwrap(meta: Meta, toType: DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta.Protocol, for decoder: MetaDecoder) throws -> DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta?



    The meta you should unwrap to an unkeyed container meta. This meta was created by you and passed to a MetaDecoder.


    The decoder that requests the unwrap. You should use this decoder if you need to decode types yourself inside unwrap or to get the current coding path (this an array of coding keys visited up to meta in the order they were visited) taken up to meta. This coding path is ment to be used in errors you may throw (e.g. DecodingError).

    Return Value

    A DecodingUnkeyedContainerMeta that was constructed from meta. Returns nil, if meta can not be converted to an unkeyed container meta.