
public struct PrimitivesProtocolTranslator<Primitive, PrimitiveType> : MetaSupplier, Unwrapper

This MetaSupplier and Unwrapper implementation provides an easy way to use MetaSerialization.

To use it, define a marker protocol and extend your primitive types (the types you can represent directly in your end format, e.g. String, Int, etc…) to conform to it:

protocol Primitive: Meta {}
extension String: Primitive {}
extension Int: Primitive {}

If you wan’t to allow nil values, extend NilMarker to conform to your marker protocol.

Now create a PrimitivesProtocolTranslator with your marker protocol as generic Primitive parameter. If you pass this translator to a MetaEncoder, the encoder will create a meta tree that consists only of types conforming to your marker protocol, Array where the elements will also conform to your marker protocol and Dictionary (again conforming to marker) (the string keys aren’t aviodable per se). These arrays and dictionaries may be arbitrarily nested. Note that the arrays (and dictionaries) will be of type Array and not Array but you may safely assume that they conform to your marker protocol.

The definition of PrimitivesProtocolTranslator does not require Primitive to conform to Meta. However all your types need to conform to meta, otherwise the encoding process will crash at some point. This requirement isn’t implemented in the first place, because otherwise it was not possible to set Primitive to a protocol that simply.

There is another issue right now: PrimitivesProtocolTranslator needs two Generic parameters because of an inconsistency in swift’s type checking realted to protocols as generic paramters ( If YourMarkerProtocol is your marker protocol the first type parameter should be YourMarkerProtocol and the second type should be YourMarkerProtocol.Type.

protocol YourMarker: Meta {}
let translator = PrimitivesProtocolTranslator<YourMarker, YourMarker.Type>()

However, with this you may also specify two diffrent markers for encodign and decoding, since the first type will be used only during encoding and the second only during decoding.